Saturday, May 16, 2009

Testing, Testing. . .

Carl told me he is fed up with IMEEM and you know what? I am too. I'm testing out a different method - Lala (which, by the way, is a Carl-approved site for buying, listening, finding new music, etc). With Lala, the first listen is full length, then 30 seconds for every play after that. Not ideal, but better than IMEEM. If you set up a Lala account (recommended), you can buy "web" songs for 10 cents, this means you can't actually download it but can stream it anytime, anywhere you have an internet connection. Since I've been hyping up the Junior Boys new album Begone Dull Care so much, I'll start with that. Some highlights from the album: Bits & Pieces, Hazel, Parallel Lines, The Animator. . . they're all kick-ass. Happy listening.

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